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生活就像一阵风,吹过就无痕。我随风而行,洒脱自在,不纠结过往,不忧虑未来。Let life be like the wind, leaving no trace. I walk with it, freely and easily, without worrying about the past or future.

人生如戏,我只愿做自己的主角,不为他人眼光所累,不为世俗所困。Live life as a drama, where I am the main character. I won't be bound by others' opinions or confined by worldly norms.

落叶归根,是自然的洒脱;随遇而安,是我的生活态度。Let fallen leaves return to their roots, a symbol of nature's ease. My attitude to life is to be content wherever I am.

海浪拍打着岸边,每一次都是新的开始。我如海浪般洒脱,不畏风雨,不惧挑战。Waves crash against the shore, each time marking a new beginning. I am like the waves, fearless of storms and challenges.
