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100次浏览     发布时间:2024-11-21 09:32:46    

我虽然不是最好的,但我是快乐的。I'm not the best, but I'm happy.

不断的进步,是治疗自己的最好方式。Continuous improvement is the best way to heal yourself.

全世界独一无二的我,是值得被生活善待的自己。I am the only person in the world who deserves to be treated well.

成长是自己一步一个脚印,不需要别人的认同。Growing up is a step by step, without the approval of others.

真正的情谊不需要说来日方长,就像地久天长一样自然而然。True friendship does not need to be said to be long, just as natural as the earth is long.

在漫长的路途中不要疲惫,要永远相信未来有你。Don't get tired in the long road, always believe that you are in the future.

用心去认真仔细的感受生命中的点滴幸福,来日方长未来可期。Carefully to feel the happiness in life, the future can be long.

繁华过后,还有谁会在等你,好好珍惜现在努力向前。After the prosperity, who will be waiting for you, cherish now hard forward.

幸福需要靠自己去争取,青春需要靠自己去奋斗。Happiness needs to depend on oneself to strive for, youth needs to rely on oneself to struggle.

自由散乱的凉风会治愈你乱糟糟的坏心情。The cool breeze that free and scattered will cure your messy bad mood.

虽然我遇见你的时候很晚,但是来日方长,我会陪你很久很久。Although I met you very late, but the days are long, I will be with you for a long time.
